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Track List

01. Koliko Kosta Talianski Giezz
02. Ragazzo Giezz
03. Exterminator Angel
04. Call Center Woman
05. Allevi Giovani Allievi 1
06. Why Ornette Would Be Unknown Today
07. Handbook of the Modern Jazz Player
08. Sono Contro Le Multinazionali
09. Poor Look and Celebrity
10. Paris Hilton's Fundaments of Economy
11. Italian Sadness Inc.
12. Festival Director Looking for a New Job
13. Afro Groove Masturbation
14. Rock
15. Marketing Dell'autenticità
16. Falsa Alternativa
17. Gerontocrazia E Feticismo
18. Allevi Giovani Allievi 2


Gianni Gebbia - alto saxophone- flute
Francesco Cusa - drums
Vincenzo Vasi - bass-theremin-voice

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