PROGETTI & BANDS > Francesco Cusa & The Assassins

THE ASSASSINS - (Rhythm Permutations)
"a work around Gavin Harrison's book "Rhytmic Illusions", "Indians Polirhytmics", and the music of Skrunch.
Giovanni Benvenuti - t. sax
Flavio Zanuttini - trumpet, electronics
Giulio Stermieri - hammond, keyboards
Francesco Cusa - drums, compositions
“The assassins” is my new trio formula, this project inherits the same approach towards composition from my previous group Skrunch. Thanks to the special features of hammond “the assassins” moves foward new influences and sounds as funk and jazz music. The themes exploration is strictly to polyrhythmic schemes that aim at underlining the melodic cells, riffs, chromatic and timbre variations. The relation between writing and improvising is a dialectical one. The different elements are therefore mixed following a tug of war shifting from tension to relaxation, from tradition to contemporary music. (Francesco Cusa)